Can you recommend components to assemble ArduPilot compatible copter in less than 500 USD?


Can you recommend components to assemble ArduPilot compatible copter in less than 500 USD?

I would like to play with ArduPilot possibilities within flying drone, but my current income is quite modest. I have skills in software engineering, currently getting skills with electronics and feel Ok to gain skills in low level programming. Assembling a copter from different parts and flashing a system on it should be a show stopper unless in reduce a budget for the final product to the minimum.

Almost an year ago I did a research how to build a copter, but it was for a 2000 USD budget. I mentioned this because it will be good to leverage that experience for this project.

X500 V2 RTF Kit ($261) :
4s 6000mAh LiPo ($70):
Kakute H7 V2 ($97): Kakute H7 V2 – Holybro Store
M10 GPS ($44): M10 GPS – Holybro Store
Power Module ($19): PM02 V3 Power Module (12S) – Holybro Store
Telem Radio ($63): SiK Telemetry Radio V3 – Holybro Store

This is all without shipping/taxes - so you might be better off finding the same/equivalent parts on other vendors to minimize shipping costs. I also didn’t include a transmitter/receiver or battery charger. These are one-time purchases that can last you several years, so I recommend investing in a good setup.

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Do you mean by good investing transmitter/receiver and battery charger or a whole list of components?

I recommend investing in a good transmitter and battery charger as those will last you many years. Something like a Radiomaster TX16S would be great if you can afford that.

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Thank you. It is too expensive (at least at next half of year).

Do you have any recommendation for cost 25%-50% from your initial recommendation?

Radiomaster Boxer or Pocket Radio at a minimum. Buy a Radio that runs EdgeTx, resist the urge to buy a cheap crappy Flysky system.