I really hope some of you guys can help me out on this, I’m out of ides. Like I said I can’t get any signa out from throttle, in is okay I can calibrate and also under failsafe I can se that the throttle channel works. BUT not output on the “rails” the ESC just beep I have also check with an oscilloscope, no signal. And also in Mission Planner under servo output, no response. Steering works just fine. But if I change to Throttle Left and Throttle Right (skid steering) Nothing works. And yes I have armed the board. And also removed any arm requirements just to bee shore there nothing there.
If I use any other firmware, like Arducoper, Arduplane or even ArduSub it works just fine???
I really can’t figure this out. I have used Arducoper for a long time and never had any problem with that. But now I can’t seem to get Ardurover to work at all, I’m sure I’m missing something but I can’t figure it out myself…
I use a Futaba T8FG with an PWM to PPM converter for the Pixhawk 1 (chines model). And Ardurover 3.2.1. At first I thought it was the converter but I worked with the outer firmware’s. And I also have tried a joystick in joystick mode in mission planner, same result. I have also tried 2 different pixhawk with the same results…
Thank you so much, when I set BRD_SAFTEY_ENABLE = 0 I started to work !!! I had a safety switch on before, and it seem like it worked (but obviously it didn’t for some reason) but when I did like you said and disable the safety switch it stared to work. I really don’t know why but I really appreciate your help with this, thank you.
Hi, I have been having the same problem as Jesper had. I have tried with Ardurover and Arduplane. The servo output for steering works, just not the throttle. Just out of curiosity, I tried to see if there would be output if I changed it from “Throttle” to “RCIN3” and it works fine!!. I have tried your suggestion of BRD-SAFETY.ENABLE=0 and it is still not working sadly. it’s armed and I have tried with removing any arm requirements too but I just can’t get a output signal for Throttle.
Thank you for your time.
OK, so it sounds like you’ve set the SERVO3_FUNCTION to “53” (aka RCIN3) which will cause the input on channel 3 to be directly passed to the output channel 3 which may make the Rover move but it won’t work for other more autonomous modes. If you have a dataflash log I may be able to see what the problem is, it’s almost certainly something wrong with the configuration.
I have been having problem downloading the flashlog sorry…
I have also tried to take the SD card out and use a SD card reader instead of going through the pixhawks and it’s asking me to format the SD card. I am guessing the original SD card might be bad.
So I am going to get a new one and run through the set-up again and see if I can download the log files.
(It might even be the issue all along haha) sorry for the delay.
I have put in a new SD card and it seems to fix the issue…honestly don’t know how it happens.
I can now try the autonomous functions now! so excited, thanks for your help and wish me luck haha