Can I use only OpticalFlow takeoff in Loiter mode?

Now, I can takeoff in Althold mode and change to Loiter when flying. Is it possible to take off using Loiter mode?

My EKF source settings :

Yes, of course. I took off indoor in loiter mode using optical flow sensor.

If you use mission planner to connect and check the health of the drone, you should see ekf IMUx is using optical flow message something like that. When you see that, you are good to takeoff in loiter mode.

Why is your EK3_SRC1_YAW 0 and not 1?

Thank you.

Why is your EK3_SRC1_YAW 0 and not 1 1?

I use only optflow and rngfnd, not use compass and gpd.

optical flow is to replace GPS for xy position holding. A rangefinder is for better height accuracy than a barometer. A compass is needed for heading, orientation, etc where GPS also helps.

I still can not ARM in loiter mode.

“Prearm: AHRS: waiting for home”

probably you disconnected your GPS but did not turn off the parameters.

GPS has not gotten a fix

If indoors, go outside. Ensure compass and accelerometer calibrations have been completed. Eliminate radio-frequency sources that could interfere with the GPS

post your parameters file. xxx.param
did you enable fencing?

Fencing disable.

Or I must “set EKF home origin”.

I have never done that before.

post your parameter file. could be due to EK3_SRC1_YAW 0
without a compass how are you expecting the UA to yaw 30 degrees for example?
Have you disable GPS arming checks?

AHRS can calculate yaw by integral imu value.

I already disabled GPS check.

I cannot comment on that as I am not one of the firmware developers.
I can share that we never disabled the onboard compass and never had the problem you are facing.

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