I’m building my first hex copter. Seems pretty, but needs ESC calibration.
I did the manual 1-by-1 method:
Put the Tx throttle to high
Connected the ESC to motor+Battery+ Receiver (ch.3)
Disconnect + Reconnect (short beep)
Throttle down > Another short beep (done)
All ESCs seems calibrated and a little throttle can show it.
When All ESCs are then connected to the Pixhawk flight controller (fmuv2 FW), they behave like not calibrated. I manage to ARM and try to take off, motors do not start with each other (some start at 60% throttle) and are not rotating with the same speed.
I have redone the calibration several time successfully, but once ESCs are in the FC, they misbehave.
What can be possibly wrong? Shall I replace the FC? I do not have an extra.
Any tip will really support.
AFAIK the calibration is set and stored in the ESC itself. That’s once calibrated the FC doesn’t care about it and just expect motors will respond equally accordingly ppm/pwm levels.
Not sure but I think this type of issue you see can be caused by frame class/type set wrogly. This setting in MP is a bit confusing (imo). I had problems and drone flips when I tried for the first time. Worth checking FRAME_CLASS and FRAME_TYPE params from full parameter list, also correct motor wirings etc. Connect ESCs and Motors — Copter documentation
Other than that check wiring problems like bad solder joints, shortcuts, testing motors individually (pwm motor tester)
Thats my 5 cents
As @rodrigonh76 suggested use Mission Planners Motor Test to confirm you have the correct motor order for the frame type and class.
And fmuv2 is incorrect for that flight controller. Flash it with fmuv3 or Pixhawk1 depending on the version you have.