Camera Angle Setting

Is there anyway to set the angle the camera is at with respect to level flight ?

Mini Ar wing has the camera pointing down 10 degrees so the HUD artifical horizon is too low?


Hi @Fugazi,

Yes, you can adjust the position of the artificial horizon on the screen.
You can modify the complete OSD layout via Mission Planner.
Go to -> Config -> Onboard OSD -> Screen1 etc.

The height of the artificial horizon on the screen can be set by modifying the param: OSDx_HORIZON_Y link

More details of the OSD layout can be found here: link

For me swapping the line with flight mode and the horizon with the status message text solved a similar issue. The swap with the “messages” lines helps to avoid any interference of the lines to each other.

Hope this helps.

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Nice one thanks, exactly what I was looking for, must look harder next time