Calibrating motors

Hello, I just finished building my first drone with the pixhawk 1 FC but I still have some problems: the motors spin, it’s all good though I use the TBS Discovery frame, and the battery is on the back of the drone and I think that it is the reason my drone is acting weirdly, what should I do, and how? Also, how do I change my RC like settings, because they are inverted. Any help will be appreciated. this is a video of my drone:

Yes, that looks like there’s room for improvement.

For this drone it’s probably too late, but for your next drone keep this in mind: Hardware To Avoid When Building A Multirotor (and I don’t mean “take it as a shopping list”)

Also have a look at the How to methodically tune (almost) any multicopter guide, for now especially “Chapter 1: Getting the hardware right”. Having the battery so far in the back puts the CG in a really awkward spot where your rear two motors are doing 80% of the work.

After you corrected that, follow the rest of the guide for the tuning.

Regarding inverted RC channels: In Mission Planner in the RC Calibration screen, there are little reverse-checkboxes next to channels 1 to 4. If you tick (or untick) those, the respective channel changes direction. Also explained here: Radio Control Calibration.

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Hello, thanks for your reply. I also have the S500 frame from holybro do you think that I should use it? Or I was thinking about printing a case for the battery to center the mass. What do you think I should do?

I don’t know which manufacturer your current frame is from, but in general I would trust the holybro frame more to be stiffer and less flexible. So I’d say use that one.

The XY CG is bad, not within the 4 motors center. Either you place dummy weight in the front or shift the battery to the center. There is yaw, either ESC not calibrated or, motor spin direction is not correct to the frame type or class selection.

You should refer to the RC manual and MP GUI for calibration and to confirm the settings. Know the supported radio control system.