Build Secure Bootloader


I could sucessfully build bootloader using ./waf bootloader. But when I am trying to build a secure bootloader using Tools/scripts/, it is throwing the following error. Someone please guide me to fix this.

I used the command “Tools/scripts/ CubeOrange --signing-key=My_public_key.dat”

What I noticed is,

“./waf bootloader” is working if we perform the following commands first

“./waf configure --board CubeOrange --bootloader” and “./waf clean”

But “./waf bootloader” is not working if we perform the following commands
“./waf configure --board CubeOrange --bootloader --signed-fw” and “./waf clean”

@dkemxr Can you please help with this issue? I could do secure bootloader and secure firmware in the past but with the latest clone it says no APP_DESCRIPTOR found

i am also having the same error

Sorry, I can’t help with that.