Build ArduCopter 3.6 Fails

uavcangen returned 1 error code

build failed
-> task in ‘uavcan’ failed (exit status 1):
{task 7696554579320: --with a list of what appears to be every task in uavcan

i’ve been trying to build this for three days. it is extremely frustrating that even a bone stock, fresh from git version of 3.6 will not build!

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Hi @icoblue
Start with a fresh copy of Ubuntu 16.04 loaded into Virtualbox
Follow this page:
Although if you’re running Ubuntu 16.04 you don’t need to setup the compiler, the one provided by Ubuntu works.

Alternatively, you can try my Maverick project which is all setup for you:
You can download the Ubuntu VM version, load it up, and it already has ardupilot installed into /srv/maverick/code/ardupilot and precompiled for SITL. It has the necessary prereqs already installed so you can update the ardupilot code base (git pull origin) and recompiled as you want.

But installing a vanilla Ubuntu 16.04 should work. If it doesn’t, then the docs need to be updated.

Looks like I need a Linux environment to even hope to build Ardupilot?

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Windows/Cygwin setup works fine too. Just compiled latest stack on my work computers.

I have installed several Win computers by following Win/Cyg guide in here

Just make sure that you have all needed python / cygwin packets installed.

Which environment you are using now? Bear in mind that you need to keep your submodules updated too. ArduPilot stack depends on several submodules, uavcan is one of those.

NOTE: This will erase all local modifications! If getting in trouble, sometimes hard reset helps. I use following commands to reset my folder structures if needed (done in the top ArduPilot folder).

./waf distclean
git submodule deinit -f .
git clean -f -x -d
git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive

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Sorry for the delay, I couldn’t post because of a “temporary hold” on my account. I have finally gotten a build environment going in VirtualBox Ubuntu. Nothing else worked for me with the available documentation. I guess this thread can be closed now, though I’ll have to open a new thread for some problems I’m having with the code…


In Ubuntu I could not compile copter. Followed your steps and it eventually compiled.

Hi. I’m having the same error on Mint 20.2, did you manage to find a fix?

@benjamin200 please open a new thread and please compile ArduCopter 4.1.1 instead