Budget FC for VTOL plane

I am looking to buy some budget FC for VTOL.
My plane has:
motor 1, motor 2, motor 3, motor 4, Pusher motor
Right elevon, Left elevon, Rudder, Throttle
It’s small vtol for academic needs.

In some cases I need to be able to customize speed behavior of the motors and need to be quick enough with calculations for vertical balances.

I found that CUAV Pixhack V5 nano fits my requirements.

What do you think about this FC ? What restrictions do you know about this FC ?
Can you recommend me some other FC for my needs ?

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All Pixhawk CUBE and normal pixhawk FC

Do you mean this one for example https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-thecube-overview.html ?
If yes, it’s a high price for my budget, can you suggest around 100-150$ ?
Thank you !

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@ilia123 Sir Please search Pixhawk 2.4.8 Basic Flight Controller kit with GPS Module Combo Kit
But you should handle this FC with care.
This flight controller need vibration damper.
I will post India market link : -https://robu.in/product/pixhawk-px4-2-4-8-flight-controller-w-shock-absorber-ublox-neo-m8n-gps-gps-folding-antenna-base-set-pixhawk-power-module-combo-kit/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA3smABhCjARIsAKtrg6KGdgv-hQLtsqiJG7gGv9uZWL25ajk90NZxb8upAhbuD0aCzpXCAE4aAqtREALw_wcB

Is this one is the same FC ?
Thank you !

@ilia123 Sir

Add frequently bought together item if you do not having telemetry.

This is must https://www.amazon.com/Hobbypower-Module-APM2-8-Pixhawk-Controller/dp/B00JWMLWIG/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=Pixhawk+Flight+Controller+power+module&qid=1611850372&sr=8-3

Thank you very much !!!

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