Bright strobe lights for my arducopter?

Hi guys,
I would like to add strobe lights on my quadcopter for night flights and control them with ardupilot (with Lua scripts or with DO_REPEAT_RELAY command). However, I can’t find bright enough lights (compatible with ardupilot) for using as strobe lights. At the market, there are many strobe lights (such as Lume Cube, FireHouse Arc .etc), but these cannot be controlled by ardupilot. Any ideas???
Thank you!!!

Both of those examples are self contained units with no control inputs. Unless they have models with that capability? So how does that apply to being controlled by Arducopter?

Hi Sir,
The strobe lights, such as Lume Cube, FireHouse .etc are not compatible with Ardupilot. Also, I can’t find LEDs, except ProfiLED and Neopixel which are compatible with Ardupilot, but these LEDs are not bright enough for my application. Do you have any idea??? Really thanks for your reply!!!

I have a set of this companies standalone units and they are extremely bright almost blinding. they do have some that are rc controlled and state they are the same brightness. Maybe these will work for your application.

Assuming you just want the ability to turn them on/off, you can look at using a PWM switch which could be triggered via the servo outputs on your flight controller.

Something like this

Edit: those Strobon are likely easier to implement unless you really had some others you preferred.

It is a really interesting product, which is suitable for my application.
Thank you for your reply!!!

With this device can I control via PWM the traditional strobe lights, such as Lume Cube, FireHouse .etc ??? That would be a really great idea!!!

I am not sure how those LEDs work specifically, but this just controls voltage to them like a light switch on/off, via PWM, so I would think so.

Οκ. You helped me a lot. Thank you.
Have a nice day!!!