BL Heli 32 Low Kv motor settings

Why did you chose 50 percent for ramp up power?

Hi, I’m chu from thailand
facing the desync issue with Multistar 4225 390kv with 6s as well.
After a week of playing with settings.
found the problem that relevant to battery voltage.

at full battery ,low ramp up power ,50percent : no desync
at low batt ,3.6v, the motor almost complete lost its power

at full battery ,low ramp up power, 90percent : desync badly
at low batt ,3.6v, the motor run pretty well ,no desync

ps. use fw 32.10

Hello Jack.

Can you just explain that a little better please

Are you using blheli32 ESC’s? Also have you tried different timing settings?

I have problems too with motor Gartt 5008 400 kv and esc t-motor f35a. The motor does not develop power. I don’t understand why. I have tried everything in the settings. I try to control both from the servo tester and a computer with blheli_32 suite. Without a propeller, it spins to a maximum of almost 10k rpm. And with the propeller, only 2.5k. It stops gaining speed after about 1400 pulses.

Low RPM Power Protect disabled in the ESC?

It’s normal that a motor doesn’t reach no-load rpm when you add a prop. What propeller did you add?

no, enabled. Need to disabled or or switch to “On adaptive”?


Yes, disable it.

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17". But the problem is that it does not develop any power at all. The thrust is only 600 grams.

And you’re running it on 6S Lipo (22-24V) ?

Yes. I tried it before with a primitive esc and everything worked, but there were some out-of-sync issues.

Although it’s not an F4 it might have the same temp sensor issue - try turning off temperature protection if it is on

Thank you very much. The problem was with this parameter.

What is your suggestion for minimum and maximum Throttle setting? Leave it as default. Digital ESC auto find it out when motors are connected. Or get from motor manufacturer.

Does it need to be set the same for mot pwm min and max for digital ESC? My understanding is no.

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Leave MOT_PWM_MIN and MOT_PWM_MAX at default 1000 and 2000 unless you are using PWM with some ESC that has a defined range.
And “calibration” only matters with PWM.

Ideally use DSHOT.

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okay, noted. how about Minimum and MaximunThrottle at the BLHelisuite32 User interface? keep to the default 1040 to 1960?

hmm …

I believe those dont matter unless you are using PWM, so ignore them if using DSHOT.

yesterday, I set 1100 -1940, today I reset it to default 1040 - 1960, Motor test at 1% throttle 1100-1940 all can spin, 1040-1960 1% throttle I cannot spin CW motors. 2% can spin all motors.

The motor test at 95% throttle without the propeller seems normal to me.

I do not have PWM Frequency high or low, do not have By RPM, only frequency value selection.

As @xfacta said, these values have no effect when using DSHOT. When changing them does something for you it suggests you’re not using DSHOT. Make sure MOT_PWM_TYPE,6 is set.

Variable frequency was only supported starting with 32.8, you’re on 32.7. And thanks to childish business practices of BLHeli AS there’s no way to change that.