Binding to Other Transmitters

Ok, I’m not familiar with that module. You may want to redo what trudge and healthy fat boy wrote. And make sure you are set for dsm2 11ms

I have the Spektrum DM9 module in a Taranis 9D+ working now. I think I wasn’t patient enough with the binding process previously.

These are the Taranis settings I’m using for the module:

Mode: PPM
Channel Range: 1-6
PPM frame: 22.5ms, 400us, negative

I haven’t done extensive flight testing, but it arms and flies in stabilize. Everything in MP looks good.

Has anyone tried connecting an external antenna to the stock SV controller?

so i’m still new to this, but should i be able to just get this and it “should” work with the 2450? Or do I need to get something else also? I keep seeing people talk about buying a controller and modules and such. Don’t get it…this looks like it is a full controller…right?

That should work. I’m using a DSM2/DSMX Orange module in my Taranis and it works.

I guess the downside to getting this all-in-one model is I cannot swap out radios if I got a different RC? Which is probably why it is much cheaper?

Right, no module bay. A better choice IMO, for a bit more money, would be a Taranis Q X7 and a Orange module. But then I’m biased towards Frsky gear.

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Ditto, including bias. Another thing you get with Taranis is open source and much more support (via OpenTX related forums), LUA scripting capabilities, simulation and great configuration capabilities via computer interface.

Hmmm as I said, i’m super new to this RC world…I never realized the transmitters had so much to them. I got really good with LUA in my last job doing automated testing of avionics equipment. Might have to consider that for sure.

@Biscu1ts hi, did you do any special config?

I tried to bind several times, but almost with no success. Got connection once, but it works few minutes and stop.
After that no success at all. I tried all combos: DSM 2 22ms / 11ms, DSM X 22ms / 11ms.

Hi Voon
My problem was that I did not use the web interface bind button.
As for a special configuration, no,

Hello Everyone,

Many thanks to everyone taking the time to post messages on this topic of binding a SkyViper to other transmitters. I would like very much to have an open source transmitter i.e. a TX with both hardware and software available online. Are any of the TX alternatives mentioned in this thread open source? Would anyone know if the SkyViper TX is an OpenTX variant? And if so which version of OpenTx does it run? []

UPDATE1: There are some helpful details in the SkyViper documentation that I’ve not fully comprehended. [here]

UPDATE2: There’s additional helpful details in the SkyViper documentation that I’m just now reading. [here] Since the SkyViper Flight Board is based on px4fmu-v3 this documentation may apply to the SkyViper as well.

UPDATE3: There’s been some discussion regarding open source transmitters on so I am hoping someone knowledgeable on the topic would share quite a bit more of their experience in this thread. Please.

It’s DSM2/DSMX protocol. That’s about all you need to know. The Skyviper Tx does not run OpenTx. These are the radios that currently support it:

@dkemxr, thank you. Do you think any of those radios will run the SkyViper TX firmware?

No. I use a Taranis with OpenTx and a Orange DSM2 Module to fly my SkyViper. I haven’t used the stock Tx since, no need for it.

@tridge @Matt_M Are the 2018 series using DSM2 like the 2017 2450gps?

I know this is an old thread, but I’d love to know a bit more about how the skyviper actually does telemetry to the handset.
I’m wondering if there’s any frig that will give the telemetry straight to the taranis via the multiprotocol module…
I fly my SV quite a lot, and like getting the low battery warning, and knowing what “mode” it has chosen to be in.

Click the link just above your post “Yaapy Telemetry on a SkyViper”.

With the Yaapu telemetry they are if I understand correctly using the wifi telemetry then decoding it with the tiny computer and finally sending it to taranis.

Tridge hints above, and I suspect is the case, that when they built the SV handset they did not include a separate wifi decoder for the telemetry but coded it into their emulation of the DSM protocol… I believe therefore, that there could well be another more elegant (cheap!) way to get the telemetry, on taranis, possibly via some extra coding in the multiprotocol module…

I know I should just whip the handset apart, and have a look at what is in there, but I’m waiting until I actually get the multiprotocol doowhatsit on a taranis working properly first…

I’m afraid you would have to dig into the source code for that information.
Getting direct radio telemetry would be nice as it may give better range than the Yaapu WiFi hack.