Yaapu Telemetry on a SkyViper


This thread answers the question, “How far would you go for Yaapu Telemetry?” :slight_smile:

The Concept:

The Pieces:

  1. Getting the OrangeRx Module to Bind with a SkyViper
  2. Connecting the DT-06 to the Sonix WiFi AP
  3. Connecting Mission Planner to the DT-06 via a serial-to-usb FTDI Adapter
  4. Converting MavLink Messages to FrSky Passthrough
  5. Connecting it all Together

The Parts:


The first four pieces are done so I am ready to connect things together. I’ll add setup information and details as I progress.

Piece 1) Getting the OrangeRx Module to Bind with a SkyViper
This part was a bit tricky, even with the help of several SkyViper threads like (Binding to Other Transmitters) and the SkyViper Dev WiKi. I recommend reading both sections.

I used the OrangeRX DSMX/DSM2/Devo Compatible 2.4GHz Selectable Transmitter Module from Hobby King. The one with the 8 DIP switches on the back. Only SW3 is On, all others are Off. This puts the module in Manual mode for DSM2. Other settings cause some crazy channel glitches. For example, they have a nice TAER to AETR channel map SW2. While it switches the channels to match the SkyViper, it causes problems on Ch3 and Ch4 so it is best to re-map channels on the Taranis Mixer screen in the OpenTx Companion.

The SkyViper model on the Taranis has the internal module disabled and the external module enabled. I used the following settings below. There is also a DSM2 setting on Open Tx but I don’t know what it does.

  • Mode: PPM
  • Channel Range: 1-7
  • PPM frame: 22.5ms, 400us, negative

From Misson Planner:

  • Set BRD_RADIO_PROT to 1
  • Set BRD_RADIO_TELEM to 0
  • Set TMODE_ENABLE to 0

Piece 2) Connecting the DT-06 to the Sonix WiFi AP

The DT-06 ESP8285 module can be a WiFi Access Point (AP) or Station or Both. This allows you to set up the Station parameters to connect to the SkyViper Sonix AP via the DT-06 Web Server page. Here are my setup screens. The SoftAP screen is left unchanged. The Station Settings are set up for your SkyViper AP name, address, and password. No DHCP is needed. The Networks section is set up as a UDP Server to the SkyViper Sonix board. The Serial Interface is set up for MavLink comms, initially to the FTDI Adapter for testing but eventually to the Teensy for converting to FrSky Passthrough. The Serial Split timeout may need to be changed from the default 50 to 30 (or even 10) but it worked fine when connecting to Mission Planner via the FTDI adapter.





Piece 3) Connecting Mission Planner to the DT-06 via a serial-to-usb FTDI Adapter

My initial test of the DT-06 Station setup was to plug the serial interface into a FTDI adapter and then connect to Mission Planner via USB. This validates the DT-06 Station and Serial setups before moving on to the Teensy conversion.

Piece 4) Converting MavLink Messages to FrSky Passthrough

This part of the project was written for the Teensy 3.1/3.2 by Eric Stockenstrom. There is a thread about it on RC Groups below. All you really need to do is either compile his firmware for Ground Mode using Arduino or load my attached ZIP file (MavlinkToPassthru_v1.0.4.ino.hex) into the Teensy using the Teensy Loader Windows application.

Mavlink To FrSky Passthrough Converter
MavlinkToPassthru_v1.0.4.ino.zip (37.5 KB)

Piece 5) Connecting it all Together

My initial task here is to locate a 3.3v or 5v pad to power the DT-06 and Teensy 3.2.

I have my first successful Yaapu telemetry working on the SkyViper. I found that inside the module, TP5 was 5v and TP20 was ground so I connected a red JST plug to them. Next, I need to look into the RSSI and see what is really being displayed. The standard build for “MavlinkToPassthru_v1.0.8.ino.TEENSY31.hex” doesn’t like the RS:11 and it may not even be an RSSI level. Fun stuff!

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This looks very nice, but I assume it only works on the v2450, right?

I would imagine someone could port the FrSky to Mavlink to the ESP8266 board and eliminate the need for the teensy. Of course, I don’t understand why OpenTx still doesn’t accept Mavlink telemetry directly.

Also, why not just connect Mission Planner via WiFi instead of the serial link?

It should work fine with 2018 Journey model.

The serial link was to initially verify that the DT-06 Station setup was working. The idea was to just use the Taranis with Yaapu telemetry so you don’t need a laptop or tablet. The project is meant to be more of a “what if” than practical. Enjoy!

AFIK the Journey wont work with a Taranis, due to using a cc2500 (Frsky) radio and the DSM protocol. Am I wrong? Is it possible to configure that combination?

Here is a quote from Matt, the SkyRocket rep on this forum.

I read that, but it doesn’t make any sense, unless you know of an OrangeRx module that uses a cc2500 radio (and still supports the DSM protocol). Matt even mentioned the radio chipset difference in a previous post:

Matt meant that the stock transmitters for v2450 GPS and Journey cannot be interchanged. Both quads can bind to an OrangeRX module.

Sorry to belabor the point, but have you actually tried to bind and OrangeRx module to a Journey, or seen a post from anyone (other than Matt and the “early prototypes”) that has actually accomplished it? I’ve searched the forum and see several posts from v2450 owners that it should work, but I haven’t seen any from Journey owners that it actually does.

I have a multiprotocol module. I assume it should work with that as well, but the documentation for that clearly shows that DSM uses the CYRF6936 radio, as does the code:

I found some information on the DSM2 selections in the Taranis.

The PPM is the INPUT to the OraneRx module and DSM2 is the OUTPUT from the module. The OrangeRx module is a PPM module so you need to select PPM mode not DSM2. Apparently, DSM2 is for the FrSky DIY Hack module.

I don’t have any Journey models, only v2450 GPS models.

I have my first successful Yaapu telemetry working on the SkyViper. I found that inside the module, TP5 was 5v and TP20 was ground so I connected a red JST plug to them. Next, I need to look into the RSSI and see what is really being displayed. The standard build for “MavlinkToPassthru_v1.0.8.ino.TEENSY31.hex” doesn’t like the RS:11 and it may not even be an RSSI level. Fun stuff!