Bi-directional dshot - testers wanted

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Hi guys,

iā€™m trying to make bi-directional telemetry to work, with no success. My config:
Cube orange w/ Plane (itā€™s a quad plane) 4.1.0 stable-BDshot fw
esc: one (front) Flycolor x-cross HV with BLheli_32 with ver 32.8
esc is plugged in the AUX1 port (which corresponds to SERVO9 output)




i set SERVO9 as motor1 (33) instead of ā€œthrottleā€ 70 but no change

Motor arms OK but i get no telemetry.

Also i can get passthrough only if i disconnect mavlink from mission planner, otherwise serial ports is busy. Once that, passthrough works.

Connecting it to a betaflight controller and configurator, i can get the RPM reading in motor test

I donā€™t know what to do, so any help apreciated :slight_smile:

SERVO_BLH_BDMASK needs to be 256 as well

Done, it does not work! and also i lost RC input, no SBUS is detected anymore!

Also turn off SERVO_BLH_DEBUG and set SERVO_DSHOT_RATE to 0. Do your RCOut messages show DSHOT on PWM1?

done, no change

hereā€™s what appears:

RCOut: PWM:1-8 DS600:9-12 PWM:13-14

Can you set LOG_DISARMED=1 and post a log of the motor running?

Setup looks correct.

iā€™m trying but for some f*cking reason my FC is not logging anymore ā€¦ i will post as soon as i fix it

here you are

itā€™s not with log_disarmed, but i armed it with no props. Let me know if itā€™s ok anyway

In your log BDMASK is set to 0? It should be 256

i changed it, because with BDMASK = 256 cannot arm

What happens? Do the motors arm? Or the motors arm but do not turn when you arm the copter?

motor donā€™t do the initialization tune, if i arm, motor donā€™t spin

also, when i reset BDMASK to 15, motor only spins if output is assigned to motor1 (33) while with its right setting (throttle, 70) it does tunes but donā€™t spin

Without it set you definitely wonā€™t get any telemetry. Please set it and then can you try setting SERVO_DSHOT_RATE to 7?

SERVO_DSHOT_RATE = 7 and BDMASK = 256 no ok tune (only 3 short, increasing beeps) and no spin

Can you try dshot150?

DSHOT150, same. No arm, no tune.
to be precise, it does half the OK tune, which is composed by two notes. It gives the first lower note, after some time, but it does not complete it with second note. No spin, thoug

DAMN!!! it did a strange thing! i tried to arm again, left it at half throttlen stick with no spinā€¦ after some seconds it completed tune and suddenly started to spin ! not responding to throttle, thougā€¦ i had to disconnect battery to stop it

Not a lot else I can do without the ESC in front of me connected to a logic analyzer. I have a CubeOrange here so I will replicate your setup with a different ESC, but I suspect it will work. Please can you post your parameter file.

here you are

DSHOT_TEST.param (21.2 KB)