Beacon Mode to GPS: Seamless Handover

Hello Everyone,

I have a quadcopter (running on Ardupilot) and have successfully flown it with the GPS as well as using the so-called beacon mode under the non-GPS navigation option. The configuration of the beacon mode requires disabling the GPS. In a scenario where the drone fly from the zone covered by the beacons to the GPS coverage area, e.g., in a way point mission, how the GPS enabling/disabling is foreseen? Is there a way (through mission planner or similar tools) to realize seamless and automatic handover between the two zones? Would this handover be possible in a scenario where beacon zone is mobile (e.g., setup on moving vehicle)? It seems there would be issues with the translation and rotation of the beacon local coordinate system with respect to the initial NED reference point. What are the possible ways to handle this issue?

Kind regards

yes, the dev team is working on it, but it is not finished yet.

Thanks. Do you know when a release is expected with these features?

Probably in six months, maybe more.

I recently had the same need to switch between Beacon and GPS during flight, and I wanted to know if the location has been developed by now, and if the function is implemented by setting EK3_SRC2_POSXY and EK3_SRC1_POSXY and switching the data source through the remote control

The existing documentation is here: GPS / Non-GPS Transitions — Copter documentation

Thanks a lot! I will try again.