BBBlue GPS and Reciver connections


Im building similar configuration like under this link: GitHub - mirkix/ardupilotblue: Howto use BeagleBone Blue with ArduPilot

In GPS description there is written:

Make sure the signal does not exceed 3.3 volts, otherwise your BeagleBone Blue can be damaged.

and i see here: beaglebone-blue/BeagleBone_Blue_sch.pdf at master · beagleboard/beaglebone-blue · GitHub

GPS connector have 5V pin, how should i connect it to not damege BBBBlue/GPS?

Second thing i want to order X8R receiver and there is written it should be connected to “E4 - 4 pin connector” but which one? This described as “4 quadrature encoder inputs”?

And again there is mentioned:

Make sure the signal does not exceed 3.3 volts, otherwise your BeagleBone Blue can be damaged.

But what should i check? What signal? Im confused because this is not described to good.


I partially figure it out. On the picture from:

I can see there is one cable from SBUS (i think) connected to 4th pin of 4th encoder input called: “PRU_E_B” and VCC and GND are taken from “power out” connector. This is how X8R is connected.

According to GPS i checked datasheet of my GPS Ublox M8N and its need 3.3V so i can not use VCC (5V) from “GPS” connector but need to use some other with 3,3V VCC pin. But why in description on github there is “Make sure SIGNAL does not exceed 3.3V…” did author thought about power line not signal (Tx/Rx?) line?

Am i right?