Im building similar configuration like under this link: GitHub - mirkix/ardupilotblue: Howto use BeagleBone Blue with ArduPilot
In GPS description there is written:
Make sure the signal does not exceed 3.3 volts, otherwise your BeagleBone Blue can be damaged.
and i see here: beaglebone-blue/BeagleBone_Blue_sch.pdf at master · beagleboard/beaglebone-blue · GitHub
GPS connector have 5V pin, how should i connect it to not damege BBBBlue/GPS?
Second thing i want to order X8R receiver and there is written it should be connected to “E4 - 4 pin connector” but which one? This described as “4 quadrature encoder inputs”?
And again there is mentioned:
Make sure the signal does not exceed 3.3 volts, otherwise your BeagleBone Blue can be damaged.
But what should i check? What signal? Im confused because this is not described to good.