Battery voltage 0 after updating to mission planner 1.3.81

Hi, I have not updated mission planner in a long time. I have an 3DR Iris that works fine with 1.3.70 but when I updated to 1.3.81 the battery voltage was no longer read. All other parameters are the same. I used a different laptop for 1.3.81 so I can go back to 1.3.70 and it sees the battery fine. I looked in the wiki and release notes and read Mission Planner does not display battery voltage, but didn’t notice any reason for this offhand. Any advice would be appreciated. Here are two screenshots from the working 1.3.70 and the 1.3.81 that shows 0 voltage.


You need to use V3.6.11 with an Iris?

I was kind of afraid to update such an old platform with the latest 4.x. The last time I used it was 3 years ago and I think 4.x was still relatively new. Wasn’t sure it would add anything to such an old drone.
I also didn’t want to lose parameters and have to restore them just in case something gets lost updating.

If you are saying that upgrading to 4.x will fix the problem I can try it. But I just want to be clear that it does work on the older version of mission planner.

Older Firmware needs older Mission Planner
New firmware needs new Mission Planner

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What is the latest recommended version of mission planner for 3.6 or should I just go ahead and update my Iris to 4.x? It flies perfectly find with 3.6.

Your IRIS+ will fly fine with current firmware and Mission Planner. I have two and fly regularly.

Thanks I’ll update it. It’s an Iris not an Iris+ but same pixhawk I think.

Same, PX4. GL. !@#$%^&(!@#$%^& Absurd, 20 characters then.