I use a Holybro PX500 v2 with a Pixhawk 6X flightcontroller and a PM02 power module. When I set in the ‘Battery Monitoring’ setup in Mission Planner, it tells me that my calculated battery voltage is 59V while my battery is charged up to 15,8V. I have put a screenshot of the “monitor, sensor & HW Ver” that I have used (and is told to be used if following the steps to setup the PM02).
I have also tried to use as sensor: ‘Other’ and manually putting in the measured battery voltage but when I then fly the drone, the battery voltage doesn’t decrease.
Also when I try to fly the drone, a ‘Bad Battery’ comes on, I think it should be related to the bad battery monitoring issue.
Could someone please help me with this.
Ah, looks like you shouldn’t have to manually calibrate it anyway… what’s set for BATT_I2C_ADDR? If 0 try setting it to 65. If that doesn’t work try 69.