Battery Monitoring gives wrong Voltage value


I use a Holybro PX500 v2 with a Pixhawk 6X flightcontroller and a PM02 power module. When I set in the ‘Battery Monitoring’ setup in Mission Planner, it tells me that my calculated battery voltage is 59V while my battery is charged up to 15,8V. I have put a screenshot of the “monitor, sensor & HW Ver” that I have used (and is told to be used if following the steps to setup the PM02).
I have also tried to use as sensor: ‘Other’ and manually putting in the measured battery voltage but when I then fly the drone, the battery voltage doesn’t decrease.
Also when I try to fly the drone, a ‘Bad Battery’ comes on, I think it should be related to the bad battery monitoring issue.
Could someone please help me with this.

Do you mean a PM02D power module?

Hello, yes my apologies.

Then read the Ardupilot setup instructions here:


Worked, after multiple reboots of FC and MP…

Thanks for answering, but the Voltage still keeps showing too high numbers… Anyone has another idea?

Did you calibrate it with a manual measurement as outlined in the Ardupilot docs?

Yes, but when i then took it flying, the value would remain the same (not decrease)…

Ah, looks like you shouldn’t have to manually calibrate it anyway… what’s set for BATT_I2C_ADDR? If 0 try setting it to 65. If that doesn’t work try 69.

Post your parameter file.