I recently had a crash into a tree that was not fun to retrieve. Return to launch had started due to bat level. It was set to 10.5. however shortly after it started to return, it went out of control. All control axes went completely unstable. It tumbled into the tree. There must be a setting to adjust pid for low bat. But I have not been able to find it yet. Running quad x with pixhawk 2.4.8. latest non beta firmware.
Low Bat is Low Bat. When it is low, do not expect to perform RTL. Land is the only option.
The low battery setting is found under INITIAL SETUP then FAILSAFE tab right hand side is low battery.
Thank you for your reply.
Yes I am aware of that setting, I may be mistaken in thinking there was another. But thank you anyway.
If you were thinking of motor voltage scaling that doesn’t change PID’s and it wouldn’t have saved you in any case.