Hi every one, i am trying to use 2 telemetry device on my pixhawk (different frequency) for redundancy purposes, hence i am using mavproxy to combine the links automatically and forward to udp using the command :
mavproxy --master=“com5” --baudrate 57600 --master=“com39” --baudrate 57600 --out=udp:
the link combining and link manager works great how ever i found a particular issue, as i am going to fly long range, RSSI/ link health is very imporant parameter to observe during the flight how ever the issue is that using mavproxy link health is very good but when connecting to mission planner via udp the link bar shows very low link quality :
shown ^
while in mavproxy it shows :

however if i only use only 1 telemetry (one comport) the link quality shows 100% and is behaving as normal . any one have idea on why this might happen? and how to solve it? or maybe there are other options to achieve the same function?
please do let me know.