Bad compass healt (ESP32)

hi friends
i have add module gps Beitian 252i with compass and gps.
Gps is recognized but compass no.
I the display of data i have “Bad Compass Healt”.

What can i do do have compass ?

Also in the Manditory of Compass tab there is not Compass.

thanks much

Get a new, supported compass.

Looks like it’s supposed to have an IST8310 compass which is supported. Do you the the I2C connections correct?

@dkemxr in the firmware there is:

//I2C Buses
#define HAL_ESP32_I2C_BUSES {.port=I2C_NUM_0, .sda=GPIO_NUM_21, .scl=GPIO_NUM_22, .speed=400KHZ, .internal=true},
{.port=I2C_NUM_1, .sda=GPIO_NUM_18, .scl=GPIO_NUM_19, .speed=400
KHZ, .internal=true}

#define HAL_ESP32_UART_DEVICES {.port=UART_NUM_0, .rx=GPIO_NUM_3 , .tx=GPIO_NUM_1},
{.port=UART_NUM_1, .rx=GPIO_NUM_16, .tx=GPIO_NUM_17},
{.port=UART_NUM_2, .rx=GPIO_NUM_4, .tx=GPIO_NUM_2}

i have connect SDA= 18 and SCL = 19
and use UART 1 with RX = 16 and tX= 17

Can you post photos?is the gnd connected?

Ah, you are still screwing around with the ESP32 implementation. Good luck with that. I would suggest putting “ESP32” in the title of every post you make.

@dkemxr yeah! always. Gyro/acc work fine. OK for title ESP32.
My question is for general use of Ardupilot.

No problem with an IST8310 compass with Ardupilot.

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