Auxiliary light

Does anyone knows how auxiliary light in dji works??:sweat_smile:

perhaps ask in a DJI forum?

Is your question how to add the DJI Aux. light to your DJI quad? If so, you should ask that on the DJI forum. Or are you asking the question to get ideas of how to implement it on your ArduCopter quad?

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I wanted to integrate it on my Quadcopter for the optical flow sensor during night time landing :sweat_smile:

My setup was for fun. I wasn’t trying to use it for optical flow but it would likely work for that too…although it would likely be overkill for that purpose. I bought a set of auxiliary halogen headlights for a motorbike from an automotive store. I used an PWM triggered switch to turn them on and off from a motor/servo port on my flight controller. The switch I used was a G.T.Power Electronic switch. The lights I bought worked on 12V or 24V systems so I didn’t need any voltage conversion on my 6s powered quad. This was 3 or 4 years ago so you could probably source a lighter LED light that would work better today. If you don’t want it to look like a UFO, you could possibly use an infrared light source like many security cameras do. I don’t know for sure if the optical flow cameras are sensitive to IR though. Attached is a pic of my quad in almost total darkness.