I am having trouble trying to have pwm to drive a shutter coming out of Aux4.
I set the output to shutter and set it as pwm, but nothing comes out (i scoped it).
Checked the safety param and are all disabled.
I am really puzzled.
Hardware is a black Cube on 3.6.6 latest stable
Any help, greatly appreciated.
(mike kelly)
March 3, 2019, 3:06am
Did you remember that you get no output on aux if you have not pressed the safety button, if it is active?
Safety button is disabled.
Problem solved. Reset to default param and configured shutter. Now it works, reloaded saved param and still works. Don’t really know what did the trick.
(mike kelly)
March 3, 2019, 2:07pm
It does happen sometimes. I have chased my tail for days and had things just start working. All is well that ends well.