Can anyone take a look of the pics attached. and tell me why the P and the I is not adjustable from this page. they are grey colored instead of normal white color.
on the log file. atrp showes 0 and 1 part of data, what is the difference between them? I can hear the roll servo keep jittering by 4or5 times/sec. what should I do with this? thank you so much.
Yea, the now daily suggestion to update to MP Beta. Do it ever time you start MP. As I have suggested before there should be a big scrolling banner ad on the MP thread.
Here are what I did. on the HELP page. check for BETA update. first update have 300+ files. second update have 126 files, I did param gen each time update with and without flight control board connected either way. and the standard and advanced param never show. and full param has no Option and Desc. is it normal?
I don’t know, it’s working for me. Try removing Mission planner completely, re-install, update to latest Beta and try again. If that doesn’t work post in the Mission Planner thread:
yes thats ture. the font pop out from its place. and missing displayed somehow. the default is chinese to my window OS. and I switch it back to english.I guess english is the default language right?