Autonomous anti poaching drone

Hi Duane, the rear motors are very small as they each only have to lift just over 500g and our calculations say we don’t need a huge amount of thrust in forward flight. Physical testing may dictate that we need larger motors though. The front props are 18" and the rear are 10" based on our motor choices and thrust requirements. We have moved to a 4in1 60A ESC

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@panascape, I was looking at this picture from honeywell , and it reminded me of a certain design :wink:


Sorry not really…

BTW Andrew and I set this craft up in Realflight as noted a few months ago " low res 3d model " and it flys well.


Rhino killings on the rise in SA, says environment minister:

How Drones Are Fighting Poaching in South Africa:

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How’s your drone coming along Robert @panascape?

We had to make changes to the control surfaces but we are now in final pre production prototype and there is a nice new hybrid power system in the works for it too that will greatly increase its flight time.

Hi Robert, how’s things going with your drone project?

Sadly its been slow, the design has been ready for many months but we have discarded SLA and SLS for printing as the printer manufacturers we were using seriously overstate the abilities of their machines.

We then started using FFF on our FlashForge Guider 2 and got some really promising results but the Guider 2 does not have an adequate build volume so we purchased 2 x FlashForge Creator 3 units, Sadly these4 have turned out to be the most useless printers that FlashForge has produced in a long time and really should be recalled. We are getting parts out for the final preproduction unit but only 1 in 10 parts is successful. We are busy building a 450 x4 50 x 600 Valkyrie to use for production.

Hey @panascape, how’s the project going?

Hi Graham, we have successfully printed the full airframe in conjunction with Ultimaker and are now onto what is hopefully the final test version, if the next round of testing goes well we will move to the preproduction test units.

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Hi Robert, how’s things going? Are you still busy with this?

HI, we are and its going well. have finally moved to pre-production after having to build our own water-cooled 3d printer and having tested around 10 materials. Its incredibly stable and manoeuvrable. This was the 1st flight ever with no tuning and manual control. Test Flight
Its come a long was since this and is way more refined. Hopefully gets deployed for the 1st real world test end of June this year.

How’s the plane doing, Robert?