Automatic Heading changing during flight

Hello everyone,
I am using octocopter with AUW of 80Kg. During flight yaw heading is changing & the correcting it frequently. because its their is PWM difference between clockwise & counterclockwise motors without changing Desire YAW.
I have changed compass( HERE3) also but still same issues.

I am attaching logs here.

Please check once.
@dkemxr @Michael_Oborne

The issue is, as you say yourself, the difference between CW and CCW motors. This is a physical problem caused by twisted motor mounts, or flex in the frame.
The compass and GPS unit has nothing to do with it.

You need to better align the motor mounts, so the props are all spinning on the same plane.

I have checked the motor alignment with level scale. There is not much difference in motor & props alignment.

Please check magnetic interference. Is this is an issues.

Not really, in that log when you do pitch and roll it is affecting yaw because the motors are already fighting the physical yaw bias.

Thanks @xfacta
I have completed motor compass interference it’s 8 at 60% throttle.

@xfacta if its really frame alignment issue then why our desire YAW is not changing.
Can you please the yaw parameters please ?

I have changed the frame but still same issues are coming. Is there any parameters that affecting the same?

Need a new log to tell

Double post - replied in another discussion.

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