ATRP parameter in LOG records

I opened the .log file in .txt format. I would like to know what the ATRP parameters mean. Can you help me? Thanks in advance.


ATRP, 735163579, 0, 3, -7.48, -63.08889, -6.430586, 0.3995461
ATRP, 735183215, 0, 3, -7.42, -62.8, -7.546731, 0.3995461
ATRP, 735204979, 0, 3, -8.91, -75, -10.50916, 0.3995461
ATRP, 735223974, 0, 3, -8.74, -75, -19.56474, 0.3995461
ATRP, 735248948, 0, 3, -8.52, -75, -31.06484, 0.3995461

As explained in this wiki page, it is an AUTOTUNE process log.

Unfortunately, this is not the answer I want. I want to know what each value means.

Sorry about the wrong link.
I updated to the correct one.

TimeUS Time since system startup
Type Type of autotune (0 = Roll/ 1 = Pitch)
State AutoTune state
Servo Normalised control surface output (between -4500 to 4500)
Demanded Desired Pitch/Roll rate
Achieved Achieved Pitch/Roll rate
P Proportional part of PID
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Thanks a lot, this was the answer I was looking for.

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