ArduRover Wheels Do Random Movments

Hi everyone, im creating an obstacle avoidance system for a 4 wheel rover module named ArduRover that i got from a fork of ardupilot-gazebo modules, im having a problem where the rovers wheels get into a weird behavior when it needs to turn right or left, the ideal way for it as a skid steering module is to turn the left side wheels to the back and the right side wheels to forward for it to make a left turn, but in my case the wheels keep moving in a random order. It does make the turn eventually but it will take time and alot of random movements which is not good. And yes i did the skid-steering parameters such as MOT_PWM_TYPE as a brushedbipolar, I looked at the SDF file of the module and nothing much is going on there, anyone have an idea about it? Thanks

@almuni can you provide a bit more detail about your system. The repo ardupilot_gazebo doesn’t include a rover example, so I’m curious what model you are using and which version of Gazebo. There a couple of rover examples in SITL_Models but none with 4-wheels.

I seems like your servo mapping is incorrect (and possibly some other params). The more info you can share (e.g. SDF, param file, AP version) the easier it is to help.

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im using gazebo 11, the module is this

i added an image of it and the original module files, i found it somewhere i cant remember where. it has a great design you can attach various things to it, in my case i attached a lidar to it. anyone reading this feel free to play around with it.
mav.parm (26.5 KB) (2.0 KB)

@almuni - it’s a Clearpath Robotics Husky.

Gazebo 11 is EOL in 2025 (see the release table in We’re currently supporting Gazebo Garden and Harmonic and the latest version of the ardupilot_gazebo plugin targets these versions. I’m afraid I can’t support Gazebo 11, but if you are interested in migrating to a newer version I’d be happy to help get this model running correctly.

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Oh i see, currently i have too much strings attached to gazebo 11 i think ill migrate later on, ill play with it some more, thank you for the offer and your time