ArduRover 4.5.2 Can not find parameters GPS_MB1_OFS_X, GPS_MB1_OFS_Y, GPS_MB1_OFS_Z

I am using ArduRover 4.5.2. I am trying to set up gps for yaw using dual antenna CUAV C-RTK2HP. I need to set the location of the antenna but I can not find parameters


Have these parameters been removed in this version. If so how I set the location effectively. If not, how can I find them. Thanks

To find the necessary parameters, follow these steps:

  1. Set `GPS_MB1_TYPE = 1 in the parameter list.
  2. Refresh the parameters after making this change.
  3. Go to the Full Parameter List and scroll down to GPS_MB1.
  4. You should see a plus (+) symbol to the left of GPS_MB1. Click it to expand and reveal the required parameters.

This should display the parameters you need, including:

If the parameters do not appear after refreshing, double-check that GPS_MB1_TYPE is correctly set, and try refreshing again.