Arduplane SITL with X-Plane 11 - Aircraft doesn't move when takeoff

Hi everyone,

I tried to setup Arduplane SITL with X-Plane 11 as in this tutorial:

Now I have a connection between SITL and X-Plane, but when I tried to command TAKE_OFF from Mission Planner, the simulated current consumption increased indicating that motors are starting, but the aircraft doesn’t move and stay in one place.

I uploaded a screenshot here:

I have these message error:
26/05/2021 15:45:46 : Takeoff to 50m at 200.0m to -179.9 deg
26/05/2021 15:45:46 : Triggered AUTO. GPS speed = 0.0
26/05/2021 15:45:46 : Armed AUTO, xaccel = -0.0 m/s/s, waiting 0.2 sec
26/05/2021 15:45:33 : Throttle armed
26/05/2021 15:45:32 : PreArm: GPS is not healthy

Do you know what is the reason for that? Thanks in advance.