ArduPlane Crash - Everything looks fine. Maybe tailwind?

Hello everyone. The fixed-wing UAV we prepared crashed during take-off in a way we could not understand. It had taken off and flown smoothly on the previous flight. We watched the video recordings, Check the Logs, and brainstormed, but we could not find logical a reason for this accident. In the video I shared, the first two sections show the smooth flight and the last section shows our crash scene. We use Pixhawk Cube Orange in our system. We take off autonomously (takeoff mode). The only reason we kind of agree is that we had the wind behind us (tailwind) that day. It was not too much but still during take off we had some.

Logs: Crash.bin - Google Drive

Videos: video.mp4 - Google Drive

The second launch was at a lower speed than the first and it sounds like the motors hadn’t quite spooled up to max thrust yet. Between that and the tailwind it’s likely that it stalled and the nose dropped.
Might be OK if you always give the motors time to develop full thrust and do a running launch into the wind like the first time.