Great video from Ardupilot Dev Team member Jaime Machuca on “The Road to Maker Faire”. Jaime and other Ardupilot aficionados, including Dan Pollock, Jonathan Challinger, Mission Planner’s Michael Oborne, AionRobotics’s Nick Nunno and the Cube designer Philip Rowse, are working on a upcoming demo at Maker Faire Bay Area (May19-21).
Sponsored by Intel and The Cube, the team’s current plan is to have a copter (quadrotor from Ardupilot partner EnRoute) autonomously follow a rover (from Aion Robotics), with both vehicles running Ardupilot on a Cube aka Pixhawk 2. The autonomous rover will be running with an Intel Joule onboard along with Intel’s latest RealSense ZR300 3D camera for visual obstacle avoidance. The copter will fly with an Intel Edison onboard, a camera, GPS precision RTK with Here+, IR-lock for precision target following, and Poxyx UWB for geofencing.
Stay tuned here, or on Ardupilot related Facebook groups, for more upcoming episodes!