I notice in release notes of copter that “AIS support for displaying nearby boats can be included” under GitHub - ArduPilot/ardupilot: ArduPlane, ArduCopter, ArduRover, ArduSub source Release “Copter 4.4.0-beta1 19-Apr-2023”, I’m trying to connect Skydroid T12 at Telem1 and AIS Transponder at Telem2, using USB cable from CUAVv5+ I could see ship information from official Rover firmware image of MissionPlanner, Can I use this Arducopter firmware and see the same boat image via T12 Skydroid instead of via USB cable?
Can you pls help me by posting configuration I should use for the same as in release notes to build the firmware supporting AIS.
thanks for quick reply, can I add “define AP_AIS_ENABLED 1” in hwdef.dat under CUAVv5 and build for copter, will that help me to transmit data via Skydroid T12 Radio?