Arduboat Kayak Spins in circles

Hello everyone,

I recently built a arduboat kayak for lake mapping but I have an issue. When I set Auto mode with waypoints the kayak just spins in circles , moves , and spins in circles again. It goes nowhere near the waypoints. In Manual I have full skid steering perfectly fine. What could it be?

Some specs:
Pixhawk with ArduRover v3.0.1
2x T200
Afro ESC(Blue Robotics ESC)
DX6i (receiver connect with 8channel PPM Encoder)

@art62 I had something like that. The solution is simple:

In mission planner > initial setup > radio callibration > Reverse your steering channel (roll).

Does this help?


@gvr63 I read the same thing on another thread, I tried it but didn’t fix anything.

Try reversing the servo outputs to the two ESCs.

I am new to this . Is there a step by step?

There used to be, but someone from DIYD during a Wiki update deleted it after I had spent a lot of time doing a step by step skid steering how to. Unfortunately I no longer have a Rover with skid steering so I am unable to test the present code to help you out.
Therefore could you please provide a full parameter file and at least a tlog and a dataflash log during your vehicle’s operation.


Here is the google drive link for the files. I will also add the parameter file in the morning .


I have helped you all that I can.
Our ArduBoat Developer, Grant Morphett, is away at the moment and should be back next week to help you solve your issue.


Thank You ! I have also attached the parameter file.Plist.param (7.8 KB)

Art62, For what its worth I looked at your Tlog. It did not look like the boat was ever in the water!! Yes or no.


David R. Boulanger

Yes , it was in the water. I will upload my tlog from today once I get home . I was in the water today for almost 2hrs.

I also just noticed that the HUD says " resetting previous waypoint". Never seen that before. Also never saw any waypoints show up on the map of the lake. I’m a novice at reading logs but the waypoints should show up on mission planner after you write the waypoints and then hit read the waypoints. To me, a novice, it looks like there are no waypoints. If that’s the case it should go to HOLD though. Have you tried STEERING mode. You should get that working properly before using AUTO.


David R. Boulanger

What value is your MIS_RESTART parameter set to?
When working with skid steering I had instances where the rover/boat would perform correctly in the Manual Mode, but would go in circles or in the opposite direction when in the Auto Mode. Usually checking the “reverse” box besides the Roll bar in the MP Radio Calibration screen would correct the problem, though sometimes just reversing (swapping) the servo output connection from the Pixhawk to the ESCs would cure the problem and it would still steering correctly in the Manual Mode.
Also, I have always bench tested my rovers/boats in the Auto Mode before attempting to run a waypoint course. I would put my rover up on blocks so it was free to steer and power the drive wheels. I would then create one waypoint, at least 20 meters away from the rover, to either the right or left side of the rover.
Once I had a 3D GPS lock I would put the rover in the Auto Mode and see which way the steering moved the wheels. If it moved it towards the waypoint then I declared victory. If it moved it in the opposite direction, then I would check the “reverse” box next to the Roll bar in the MP Radio Calibration screen and try again. This usually corrected the problem except in the case of a skid steering rover where I had to swap the servo outputs going to the motor ESCs.


Heres the link for today’s logs


I will try to put the kayak on blocks tomorrow and go over some of the examples you gave to test. I will check the MIS_RESTART when I am back at home.

All I can tell you is you have some Compass EKF warnings, serious ones, and frequent loss of Telemetry. I still never see any waypoints. You really need to try STEERING Mode first in my opinion to rule out some possible problems. Don’t let the thrusters run for more than a few seconds out of the water. Be ready to switch back to Manual to shut them down. Be careful bench testing with thrusters out of the water.

David R. Boulanger

Bench testing a boat with thrusters really requires a R/C receiver servo channel output tester where you can see the PWM output of the Pixhawk servo output channels without having to have the thruster ESCs hooked up to the Pixhawk.

In agreement 100%. You could even just use a couple of servos if you had them laying around the house.

David R Boulanger

Hi Dave,
In every drone builder’s toolbox should be a combination servo driver and R/C receiver servo channel output tester otherwise you are asking for trouble trying to troubleshoot out in the environment.

Good point Tom. I need to get one!

David R. Boulanger

Hi David,
They are truly indispensable and have saved me a lot of field testing by allowing me to verify rover performance on the test bench:slight_smile: