Arduboat Kayak Spins in circles

Hi Art62. Interestingly your tlog doesn’t have the waypoints mission in it but the .BIN does.
You have SKID_STEER_IN set to 1 but I don’t think you should as you have a standard DX6i transmitter. Set SKID_STEER_IN back to 0 and set SKID_STEER_OUT to 1. Now try steering the boat in STEERING mode. STEERING mode knows that you have a thruster on each side and will do the mixing for you. Don’t use MANUAL as it won’t work as there is no mixing being done to control the different thrusters. If STEERING mode works then the boat should also work in AUTO mode.
Are you using RC2? Your RC2_MAX and RC2_TRIM are set to the same value of 1504. If your not using it this isn’t a problem - just thought I’d mention it.
Let us know.
Thanks, Grant.

@David_Boulanger @TCIII @gmorph

Thanks for all your help guys! I add to change a few settings and switch 2 cables on the ESC. Finally got it working in steering mode and Auto mode!


I have to leave SKID_STEER_IN set to 1 or else the thrusters go full throttle. I have attached the RC2 settings

My only issue I am having is when the kayak travels to a WP, I move side to side to get to it. Have you guys herd of this before?.


Art 62,
Your STEER2SRV parameters and NAVL1 have a lot to do with it moving side to side. I looked at your parameter list and the STEER2SRV P and I don’t seem to be to high. Try changing the NAVL1_PERIOD to 14 or so and see if you have an improvement.

David R. Boulanger

David is correct. Your NAVL1_PERIOD is too high and the kayak is trying to turn harder then it can react. Raise it as David suggests.
Thanks, Grant.

Hello , do have the same
nevers sucedde to make in work
go forword and backward

to do use skid sterring
with sabertooth 12v controller, with 12v dc motor
i have used this solution to get forward and also reserve control of the boat
in manual, when i push up the stick it goes forward, push down goes backwark
left and right working good in sterring mode

everything is working good in manual mode
once i out in auto , it just get crazy

Any clue ?
i was tired to make test in the water so i did put all the electronics on a rc car to make the test more easy

thank you

How about informing us of what navigation controller you are using and what version of the ArduRover firmware you are using.
Also, the model of the Sabertooth controller and the DIP switch settings.
When using a Sabertooth controller I found that I either had to check the “reverse” box next to the Roll bar in MP or reverse the connections from the navigation controller servo output to the Sabertooth controller to get it to steer correctly in the Auto Mode. Also, the Sabertooth controller should not be in the Mixing Mode.