Ardu Copter Build Errors with cygwin using waf

I am not been able to compile Arducopter 3.6 using cygwin with waf.
followed procedure as per link(

Instead of cloning arducopter i downloaded zip file removed internet mark as i dont have a internet connection there.
I manually downloaded all modules required (i.e. waf, UAVCAN, PX4NuttX, …)


it configures board successfully but returned 128 at:
Command [’/usr/bin/git’, ‘rev-parse’, ‘–short=8’, ‘HEAD’] returned 128

Plz help resolve issue, or refer other link to resolve it

also waf check result shared what repercussions is gtest library not foud though i downloaded and placed in required folder but i think does not work that way:

The Ardupilot build process requires that it is downloaded as a git repository. It won’t work if you’ve just downloaded it as a zip file.