[APPROVED] Speedybee F405 V3 Flight Controller for Porting

Sure. It was stated in this thread here: [APPROVED] Speedybee F405 V3 Flight Controller for Porting - #7 by Pradumn_Singh that bluetooth mavlink was sucessfully setup…
As of today I have given up. I did get a wifi radio working with UART 3 though.

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I never got it to work despite quite a lot of trying, but @hwurzburg claims to have done so.

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not a v3, but on the Wing which has a different chip and firmware…the copter targeted bds only have BLE capable chip which no AP GCS supports…

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which firmware your are using and it version?

i am using speedybeef405 v3, stable version of 4.4.3 copter firmware, frame type = 12 [betaflight x] .
on HUD it always show bad compass health but on compass calibration page, it not detected any compass.
Is any special parameter i need to setup for compass. i saw the comments below this . and lot of facing same problem. i disabled log_backend_type = 0 . mot_pwm_type = 0 [NORMAL]. still it show bad compass health.

Im sorry but i was not talking abut the onboard bluetooth …
i used a HC-05 module from my previous build …

Bluetooth mavlink works ( Using external HC-05 module not internal ).

@andyp1per :

just a note : inav and speedybee documented current sensor coefficient value is 386 0.1mV/A, so inverting it I get BATT_AMP_PERVLT=25.9, not 29.5.
Did You “invert” (by mistake/typo) the digits, or there is other rational behind ?


These are always dependent on the ESC you are using. I think I probably measured it and put in that number - you can easily change it

It only takes one flight and a battery recharge to re-factor it if required.


I mean , anyway, speedybee complete stack hw, not only FC.

386 value (25.9) is specific of speedybeef4v3 PDB (documented in pdf manual).

Other PDBs have differenti current sensor specificatons.


Hi I am configuring Speedybee f405 v4 with blheli s Esc to ardupilot but the Esc is not getting recognised. I flashed bluejay and enabled the SERVO_BLH_AUTO along with BLH_MASK through which I am able to control motor1 and motor2 in the motor test tab. But motor 3 and motor 4 aren’t getting recognised.

You know its different firmware for v4? Did you pick the right firmware?

Yeah I installed the firmware for v4. When I check the ardupilot page for f405 v4 it is showing that motor 1 and 2 grouped together where as 3 and 4 are in group 2. Does it have anything to do with that

You should only need to set MOT_PWM_TYPE

Thanks now it works. It was the firmware. I flashed the speedybeef4v4 firmware as there was no specific firmware for speedybeef405v4. Then I tried the firmware of Speedybee f405 mini and now it works. But the drone is very unstable and yawing

Also getting a prearm internal error 0x4000

So you have the mini? I would like to get to the bottom of this if possible. I have the v4 and the firmware works fine for me.

did anyone get the servo output on this board working? I have tried what seems to be everything and nothing from S9.

Never mind, S9 was a waste of time. M5 works.
