[approved] GSoC High Altitude Non-GPS funding request

Topic:GSoC High Altitude Non-GPS funding request

Proposal type: Hardware

Description: Hardware for SanketS’s GSoC High Altitude Non-GPS project

SanketS is working on improving AP’s High Altitude Non-GPS support. This project is described here on the wiki but in short it involves using a downward facing camera gimbal. Images/video captured from the camera are compared to previously captured images taken from known locations.

These items have kindly been donated by Partners

  • Siyi A8 or ZR10 (or similar) – provided by Siyi
  • Nvidia Orin Nano companion computer (@MagicRuB may provide, Qualcomm may provide)
  • Hexsoon EDU 650 kit (or similar) (CubePilot will provide)
  • Extra propellers and motors (perhaps 8 propellers, 4 extra motors) (CubePilot will provide)
  • H7 AutoPilot (@Zane_ZeroOne and CubePilot will provide)
  • Smart controller (Herelink, Siyi MK15, etc) (CubePilot will provide)

Planned amount $$ (USD): $298

Estimated time for completion: 1 month

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