And for Mac OS X
I fixed up the files and uploaded them to the correct location on thx
APM Planner 2.0.27-rc1 will still not see the Pixhawk4 as a valid board.
I have Ardupilot installed and it will do a Mavlink connection, but when I try the Firmware tab I get this:
Pixhawk4 connection (15.6 KB)
Hah Cool!
Thanks @billb @carpy for creating and deploying a new RC
@mboland The changes for PixHawk4 were not merged into this RC but I am sure they will make it into RC2. Perhaps @billb can build an OSX version with this Pull Request included so @mboland can test the change as I have no Pixhawk4 hardware to test. Otherwise we will have to merge an test in master.
@mboland I just pushed a change which should make it possible to update the Pixhawk4 (px4-FMU-v5). It would be very cool if you could test whether it works. You should find the new version in the daily folder you metioned above.
The last daily build is still 2018-11-24 18:02 RC1
I will keep an eye on the directory and test any later builds as they appear.
I thought I should add some Info about the changes in 2.0.27-RC1:
- Comms: Added support for MAVLink 2
- GraphView: Added support for unit data in flashlogs
- Tuning Setup: Adapted extended tuning to arducopter 3.6 Fixes #1138
- Tuning Setup: Basic tuning adapted parameter names for arducopter 3.6
- MavLink Inspector: Added simple MAVLink statistics
- GraphView: Mode will now be read correctly from tlogs. Fixes #1155
- Radio Setup: Added compatibility for MAVLink 2 and increased to 16 channels. Fixes #1153
Discussion about Pixhawk 4 support for firmware update is moved to
I didn’t know APM Planner ever had a Wizard like Mission Planner does.
I found it necessary to compile a 32-bit build for a linux laptop with Core2 processor. So for anybody that needs a 32-bit binary for an older, but still fully functional laptop running Ubuntu 18.04 the binaries are here for 2.0.27-rc1