APM 2.8 is it supported?

Have a look at the Ardupilot history


and understand why we insist on the “recent hardware and software” use.


APM2.8 is typically sold at way above it’s value (which is basically scrap value nowadays). There are multiple options that are both cheaper than available APM2.8, sold by people who try to sell it as good hardware, and have modern hardware that is significantly more capable.

Nobody sane here wants to deal with antics as old as that. Especially since versions of AP since 3.2/3.3 have significant improvements relating to safety and reliability.

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I know this post is almost 2 years old but a couple of years ago I built an H quad from PVC with an APM 2.8 Flight controller. I still fly it on a regular basis. Thing flies great! I have no intentions of retiring it.

Your success does not excuse the continued sale of obsolete (and often badly cloned) hardware, nor should it encourage new users to follow in your footsteps.


I’m free to enjoy flying my APM 2.8 just like someone else is free to drive their '88 mustang or listen to their 45s on their record player. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the oldies. Everyone should be able to enjoy the hobby even if it means buying an APM 2.8 because it’s all they can afford.

Let’s normalize not gatekeeping the hobby.

This isn’t gatekeeping, but rather setting up new users for success. Currently supported F405 flight stacks can be had for extremely reasonable prices, sometimes even less than what the (highly suspect) APM boards are sold for today.

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Help this guy enjoy the hobby Problems with APM 2.8

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“…extremely reasonable” is relative.
No one gets to decide how someone else enters and enjoys the hobby.

Amazon has APM boards for $80 US. The going rate on Ali is $40-$50. And I found one in India for $56.

SpeedyBee and equivalent F405 boards are $35, and a stacked ESC can be added to bring the total to $60.

That’s objective.

I do understand you’re having fun with what you’ve got, and more power to you for that, but I don’t understand why you’d encourage anyone down that path here.


I have several F405s and F7s. I’m aware of how much they are. We could go back and forth all evening about the cost but I’d rather not.

I didn’t “encourage” anyone to go down any path. I only expressed my success and enjoyment with the APM 2.8. Again, no one gets to control what path into the hobby someone else takes. That’s the very definition of gatekeeping.

Meanwhile I fly mine all the time with no issues.

I’d argue that using supported hardware at lower cost than unsupported hardware actually lowers the barrier to entry by a rather significant margin. And that’s the very antithesis of gatekeeping…

Glad you’re having fun, man.


We’ll agree to disagree.
I’m enjoying every minute :slight_smile:

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you’re missing the point, if someone got an apm, it will fly but that is it. They won’t be able to use any new software feature or accessory or sensor made in the last 10 years. they will be missing flight modes, no mavlink v2, very slow processor causes it to be very unstable on smaller machines, no serial RC input. no redundant sensors, no RGB leds, no ESC telemetry, no RC telemetry.

you can get a supported omnibusf4 flight controller that has a built in OSD, voltage sensing, multiple serial ports and the latest firmware support for $18, there is no reason to use an APM anymore.


Hello Ron
Can you please advise what Mission Planner or config software you are using.
My son (14) has bought a ArduCopter Mega APM 2.8, for a simple boat he has built.
We see a lot of reasons why not to buy, but we are passed that point.
We are trying to get it configured and working. Any hints or tips on Firmware version and GCS version would be appreciated

I use Mission Planner. Not very familiar with boats but I believe the last version of Ardupilot that is compatible with APM 2.8 is 3.2.1. You should be able to install 3.2.1 using the “Install Firmware Legacy” option under Setup.

That’s Copter. Rover is different. Not now but in the stone age they were different version levels for each vehicle type. Rover V3.2.1 was in 2018 long after the dinosaur era.

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Thanks to all the help, we got the system running.
Its not perfect but at least runs.

We got our APM up and running.
Took a bit of head scratching and looking around forums.
However, it is functioning.