APM 2.8 board - GPS: NO fix

I added a Ublox NEO 7M GPS with compass to the APM 2.8 board. I used Mission Planner 1.3.72 version. Compass is correct working but showing GPS: No fix. I will benefit from your help.
Thanks in advance.

Are the wires correctly connected?

Is the Neo7 supported by the 2015 firmware?

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Thank you for replay.
Yes. I installed the wires correctly. Please give me some solution.

Take it outside and wait. GPS: No fix means it’s recognized but no sats.

But both that Flight Controller and GPS module are as old as dirt so do yourself a favor and replace them.


Thank you.
I shall try it.
My APM 2.8 work well. I bought clone of APM 2.8 for 1 year ago. Then I was flying drone without GPS. I have installed GPS few time ago and it shows GPS: No fix.

it can take up to 20 minutes to get a fix if its not been used before.


I put it more than 20 minutes of on desktop computer.

You have to go outside.

You should use a supported autopilot.


Thank you for reply.
Which light ardupilot is better to use the older version?
Please reply

See here:


Thank you.
According to this link the latest version for APM is 3.2.1.
I shall see.

Anything with a H7 MCU and 2MB flash storage. Matek H743-x, Holybro Kakute H7 etc. AocodaRC H743Dual looks very interesting while being one of the cheapest of the pack.


Thank you for replay.
I will let you know if my problem is solved.

It’s fine replace them all you need is about £500 and that’s just the start. You then have to find some where you are allowed fly it. Assuming you are talking about a quad. Do yourself a favour, buy a ready made one on line, there are plenty of cheap drones about and its amazing what they are capable of.

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For an FC and GPS? 120£ for midrange stuff, 80£ if you’re counting every penny.

I don’t know about RTF quads, how much are the ones running Ardupilot?

RTF drones have their raison d’etre, both commercially and in hobby spaces, but it’s a bit like suggesting people in a DIY performance race car forum to just buy a Golf GTI, because they’re pretty fast too.

I would like to know where you can get a FC for £120. The cheapest I have seen is £300 and that doesn’t include postage.

FC: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002283222858.html
GPS: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006744303058.html

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What? I suppose you are not aware of many supported Flight Controllers for far less than that. Matek, Holybro are a couple quality brands with inexpensive boards and there is the 2nd tier from others even cheaper but would still fly circles around an old APM.


I was talking about the updated pixhawk, more than just a flight controller, something you can attach peripherals, like sensors, gimbals, servos, telemetry data etc. The latest version is the pixhawk cube which costs, over ÂŁ300.

Yea, like the Flight Controller @Oli1 linked to that cost $78. Where do get the idea you need something called a “Pixhawk” to do that?

What is it missing?
STM32H743VIH6, ICM42688P & ICM42688P, DPS310, OSD, 7x UARTs, 2x I2C, 1xCAN, 13x PWM outputs, BEC5V,