AP_Periph with multiple Rangefinders setup?

Hi all, I have play around with AP_Periph. I use a flight controller(F7 base FC) as node. I want to attach 2 RFDs. but only one is working. Is it only one rangefinder support at latest firmware?
I still fly 4.0.6 (native CAN not support). but I want to use CAN radar. so I thought I could attach 2 CAN radars to AP_Periph. currently one is working. maybe I miss something?
P.S. I had modified Benewake_CAN driver to work with CAN microwave radar from another vender.

Did you have any progress about rangefinders in APM firmware? Or any configurations about multi RFDs?

Actually not. But I am in a progress of adding my code to 4.4 firmware!!!

So you have add init and data fusion code for these two rangefinders?

I have found that there is only two instances for application (read_rangefinder), upward facing rangefinder and downward facing rangefinder.

BUT there are forward/right/left etc configurations.

Really confused here.

Screenshot 2023-10-04 140230
I think the update method is the one that handle the type of the rngfnd. As you can see this method loop through the instant of all the rangfnd available.

I am not sure what you want to achieve. do you want to add redundancy to the rangefinder or trying to add another type. what I try to do is with CAN_Periph which is not the same what I have mention.

Oh, yes. This RangeFinder class handles downward/upward distance detection.

I have found apm can handle 360/vision sensor to handle object avoidance in flight mode, such as LOITER, ALTHOLD. that’s what i’m looking for.

And thanks for your reply!

@Sitha_Sek - Are you able to achieve this scenario. If so, please suggest how did you achieve

No, I didn’t get it to work. As CAN bus is multi connection by just single port, I just simply use with the FC. I wanted this because I want to run FC on old version and Pherif on new version but I decide to upgrade.