AP_Periph 1.0.0 stable released

great, thanks!
Sorry for not making this clear much earlier

I have another f303 board that I am going to load with the new fw tomorrow. I will disable everything and then only enable the rangefinder.

I will report back tomorrow

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To close the loop on my issues. Loading the beta firmware (that’s all I had at the moment) and then disabling everything but the rangefinder, I have finally gotten rangefinder data over CAN :slight_smile:
Thanks all for your help

Need a sanity check… with this new firmware I could add 10 f303 nodes and a rangefinder on each node all set at a diff address correct?

In other words the limit is the number of can node I want to buy… Right?

In theory that is correct but I bet you would be the first person to confirm that!

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Samuel, Thanks! I could’ve swore I tried latest F303 universal and didn’t get it to work, is there an easy way I can compare the commit like with ardupilot?

RNGFND1_addr is set to the CAN node ID #? Or it’s set to 0? I could’ve swore I tried 0 and it didn’t work. Again just double checking. Thanks for responding!

Assign a random low digit number in the CAN node and then use the same in AC.

I can get the MS5250 AS to work no problem…but the drotek sensiron AS is not currently working. I had it working on an older firmware…and somehow even that broke. Is the ARSP_type incorrect or something? Am I missing something simple? ARSP_TYPE is the only thing im changing between a working mRo sensor and the not functional Sensiron.

Good day, the firmware can handle also power modules?

Good day, the firmware can handle also power modules?

I am also curious to hear if support for power modules are available or planned?

we certainly could support power modules. Exposing the existing SMBUS power modules that ArduPilot has drivers for would be quite easy. Supporting analog power modules is harder, as the current f303 node only has provision for 1 analog input, and that doesn’t have a connector.
So really we’re need to either use SMBUS, or we’d need a new adapter board.
Cheers, Tridge

that would be nice to have, some other general purpose nodes might have more analog pins. I am playing with the nodes from OlliW (with 128KB version F103) and they have analog pins available that can be used for voltage and current measurement inputs.

In terms of UAVCAN messages, I assume the node would then only send the uavcan.equipment.power.BatteryInfo message, are any additional battery/power messages planned for the near future?

I looked through the thread and I couldn’t find an answer to this question. I have several UC4H Gen.Node v2.1 from jDrones. I’d like to be able to use it as an ESC actuator. If I squint hard enough, I see the chip is an f103. Is there firmware for this board? Thanks.

If you cannot see the full chip number, maybe ask jDrones if they are the 128kb version. For most devices we have already moved to the F303 with 256kb.

Good day, jdrone on their node mount the f103…, for this version you can use the f103 gps… rangefinders and ads- receiver.
The f303 is more powerful and have more ram and you can flash it with also the universal firmware… i must check for the hwesc if it can be compiled.
Mro can node is more functional…

it’s an STM32F103T8U7 which is 64 KB.

but there’s no ESC control for an f103, correct?

if i remember well is only for the f303…i need check… i will let you know asap

Where did you find that bin?

I’ve compiled it so you can try use it