An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

Hi, can you make a brief video of the issue? Which version of my script?

@Alex, please see the video attached as requested. I am using 1.8 version[1].MOV?dl=0

Hi, do you have any other script running, like other telemetry scripts, mixer or custom functions? That error might happen if exiting the menu the script crashes for out of memory exception

Hi, new Horus Widget bug fix release, version 1.9.3 beta3.

Hi thanks for great script. I am using it on Horus X10sExp…ver. 1.8.1.

  1. Maybe you know that but the

    HUD in that version is inverted. When I roll right it shows left and when I roll left the copter it shows right.

  2. The Eff (mAh) which in my arducopter is 27.5 Ah is not changing during flight. That will be nice If I would have possibility to see how many mAh I have left in the copter. All others values are changing. As I understand this 99% is based on how many mAh was consumed?

  3. Timer is showing the total flight time since the Horus was turn on. Are there any other timers options for example total flight time but since last reset of arducopter.

4.If you will have to much time :slight_smile: Maybe that will be nice option to check when the arducopter is turn on is the voltage of battery is the same like last time and if yes it will continue to show values from last flight but if the voltage is much higher it will mean that the new battery was established and timers, Eff (mAh) must be reseted to full charged battery.

Hud is not inverted, that’s standard like mission planner.

that’s not efficiency is battery capacity, efficiency is BELOW Eff(mAh)

nope, timer triggers when armed and stops when disarmed. It uses OpenTX timer 3 which if used for anything else might break my script.

nope, no way to correlate flights sorry

Hi all,
latest master includes support for RPM1 and RPM2 passthrough telemetry over frsky and crossfire,
@JoshW has been so kind to test a custom version of my widget that supports RPM and …

it works :slight_smile:


Ok but this capasity of batteries is always the same or it should be smaller and smaller during flight ?

Did you check the docs ? Screen layout is clearly explained

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Despite the fact that I set “emulated wheel channel” to a channel (let’s say 31) It does not work at all. The only way to get it working is if I also set “emulated page channel” (let’s say to 32). When both are set I can then get the zoom working. However, I do not want to set the “emulated page channel” since it cause me other problems (I cannot use page> and page< anymore unless I set channel 32 switch in the middle position. This is annoying).

Is there a way to set only “emulated wheel channel” and not “emulated page channel” and get the zoom working?

I also tried with your last version 1.9.3 beta3 with the same result.
My radio is RadioMaster TX16S with OpenTx 2.3.11

Thank you for your time and for your great utilities.

Guylain Plante

Thanks, this looks like a bug, let me check it.

Edit: confirmed, thanks, will fix asap :slight_smile:

@gplante2 fixed, can you test if it works as expected?


Hi i am just update to test do i need to redo all my mapped areas ?

Ok I just installed beta4 and tested it and it works just fine now.
Thank you very much.

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Hi Colin, beta 4 can use existing maps just fine!.

Thanks Buddy off to do some testing

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Works fine on chopper use it for 2 hour in the air
i have not tested it on my gas planes yet
as i have grounded them because off the issue with orange cubes / Ardupilot i have lost 2 planes this year with midair reboot

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Alex do you think of the new frsky ETHOS system looks like there moving away from OpenTX

Hi Colin, not sure if they will move away from OpenTX, their new radio, the X20, will most likely not support OpenTX, it will support LUA though giving me an opportunity to port my widgets over to ethos, but right now it’s really too early since the lua runtime it’s not there yet!

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now i think of it they have to support FrSky LUA Gas Suite Sensor LUA and S6R S8R as well i forgot about them