An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

Hi, are you referring to this?

if so that’s the home icon

But if it’s something else please take a picture :slight_smile:

Hi, very good. You probably don’t have the “luac” option ticket in the settings tab of your opentx firmware, that’s the reason why lua works and luac does not!


It probably is that home button but looks weird:


Hi all,
new version 1.8.0-beta3 for Taranis X9D, QX7 and X-Lite

Note 1: OpenTX 2.2.3 is recommended for it frees some extra memory for lua scripts



Layout changes

hud left now is speed, hud right is altitude, middle bottom is vspeed
total flown distance is shown below home distance
vario on the right

Extra screen reachable by pressing [PLUS] twice



Here up to 6 sensors can be defined by editing the per model lua configuration (example included in the /MODELS/yaapu folder)
This was designed with gas suite users in mind, it’s possible to define multipliers, labels, warning and critical levels in the conf file.
There’s also the option to define lookup tables, when a sensor value is found in the lookup table the script shows that value instead of the sensor one.
When the script is in “show min/max” mode by short pressing [MENU] the custom sensor panel will show min or max values depending on the “min or max tracking” option defined in the lua configuration file.

@ChrisOlson briefly explains this new feature in his video

Support for @Eric_Stockenstrom “Plus” firmware,

The plus version sends extra info for

  • waypoints
  • airspeed
  • throttle

the custom left panel can be enabled by selecting “m2f” in the script conf menu




  • voice playback of selected mavlink messages
  • script reset is now possible without power cycling the radio by pressing long [ENT] + flight reset, motors should not be armed and the flight timer should not be 00:00
  • fix to skip flight mode vocal announcement for very quick flight mode changes, like flipping a switch from pos 1 to pos 3
  • messages can now be logged to a file on the SD card, this must be enabled from the conf menu
  • haptic feedback, has to be enabled from the menu
  • more options to silence the incoming message beep

as always feedback is very welcome,



Yes. Sorry, I know It’s small and nothing really, just annoying for some weird reason.
It might be a part of artificial horizont…

1 Like

Thanks Yaapu / Alex, I’m using your last review successfully following the instructions of this chat. I use a Taranis X9D plus radio remote control, updated to the latest LBT / EU firmware, with Pixhawk 2.1 flightcontrol on 960 hexacopter. Great job, my compliments. Greetings from Sardinia

Hi Luigi,
thanks for the kind words!


Hi Dave,
would you check if rover modes are handled all right?


Alex, using the latest script in Taranis 9D…it works for a little while, then gives this error:

Script syntax error
not enough memory

any ideas?

did you enable any particular feature, like msg logging or custom sensors?
OpenTX version?

Could you try this version in the very same conditions, 1.8.0-beta4

@dkemxr This fixes rover mode sounds

EDIT: this version has the msg logging feature disabled

Actually, it might not be the latest…its 1.7.2 under Opentx 2.2.1…its been running fine for some time, but just hooked up a new DL RX streaming Mavlink to Taranis via a Teensy bd…it was working a month ago with a different DL RX…
should I try something different or what you pointed me to?

PS I have added a few models to the TX in that interval…

Hi Henry,
if you have a tlog of the very same flight I can try to reproduce it, perhaps PM it to me along with the teensy firmware version you used and setup (air,ground or relay).
OpenTX 2.2.1 is a bit old :slight_smile: but should work nonetheless, I don’t see how adding a few models could lead to out of memory…
Usage patterns that can affect memory are switching between models multiple times w/o power cycling the radio for each model will load/compile/execute the script, or connecting the radio as usb storage while the script is running for the script will be paused and loaded/compiled/executed upon disconnection.
Extra telemetry lua scripts would also consume memory for the lua runtime is shared.

Alex-Both Loiter and Simple Mode appear on the screen with this version but the sound files for those modes don’t play. All else looks good!

Dave I made a last minute change and updated the zip file probably after you downloaded it :frowning:
Could you please redownload and verify that you have rover modes sound files (ending in _r.wav) in the /SOUNDS/yaapu/ folder



checked corruption…not that…It seems to crash on message receipt…usually within the first four messages…I started up the FC on USB and then connected via telem so as to only get one message…it ran for 10min as I drove around the block with TX testing telem drops/reacquires…
I though I might not have added the sound files…I did…
reverted to 1.6.0-beta1 that I had converted to imperial and was using before updating to 1.7.2
…works fine…so far

mhmm, I check all versions with SITL generated tlog with around 500 messages, there must be something specific. I’ll’ check code for differences between 1.6.0 and 1.7.2, this is with the teensy or direct passthrough from ardupilot, and if so which version of ardupilot, teensy, etc, so I can replicate it?
But any way is good you can replicate it so I can fix it :slight_smile:

Edit: a tlog would be super :sunglasses:

Alex-Most of them are there but not loiter_r.wav, simpleon_r.wav and simpleoff_r.wav. I placed an _r version of these in the directory and loiter now announces but that didn’t work for simple mode. Too many characters in the wav file name maybe?

Hi Dave,
that’s because simpleon and simpleoff are mode “modifiers” while you need support for simple as “flight mode”, I’ll check it later today.
thnaks a lot for the feedback!