An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

Hello thanks for creating this script it seems awsome and looks like it must have taken an unfathomable amount of work. Unfortunately I am having the same issue with running it on my radiomaster pocket as “hwurzburg”. If I install the releases linked from the ardupilot page i get the no telemetry error. However if i use the release linked here Releases · iNavFlight/OpenTX-Telemetry-Widget · GitHub
everything runs fine on the pocket but ardupilot seems to have problems. On the Pocket i can connect to a betafpv tinywhoop running betaflight and all the telemetry runs perfectly. However if I connect to my plane running ardupilot the pitch axes is reversed, the modes don’t work properly(When i flip between modes the only ones that show up properly are manual and acro the rest show up as angle, i assume this is because the release i got is designed to interpret the inav modes not ardupilot.) and the arm status is missing. Can you help me figure out what i am missing or messing up. Thanks.

first thank you very much for sharing this script, looks really nice!
I’m using it with taranis X9D Plus SE 2019 und R9M module and pixhawk 2.4.8.
Everthing works great but I keep getting “CRT: BAD LOGGING” messages every few seconds when I’m in AUTO mode.
I don’t see this message in mission planner.

I’m using the latest version.

Unfortunately I didn’t find something about this issue by searching.
Only someone who calls it the “Dreaded Bad Logging” :frowning:

Could someone please give me a hint in the right direction?

Thank you very much,

Ethos 1.5.11 breaks gps wrong out put on screen

@yaapu Do you have any sample passthrough data bits? I’m trying to synthesize a passthrough packet, but I’m not entirely sure what it’s supposed to look like. thanks.

Hi, I fixed it, should be OK in latest github

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Hi, your best bet would be to look at the ardupilot sources, there’s both an encoder and an decoder, check the Frsky telemetry library

Hi @yaapu, if a radio(EdgeTX for example) has internal GPS installed, would it then be possible for your telemetry script to use the radio’s GPS location as a dynamic home location?
This would keep the home distance correct even if the pilot has moved, and would be useful in finding a lost model, or if flying from a car/boat etc.

Hi, this would not be as simple as it may seem.
The radio has no means to “send” the dynamic home position to ardupilot so if you trigger RTL the vehicle will always get back to the original “arming” home (unless you changed it after takeoff perhaps via mavlink or a lua script).
The only usefull info could be the direction toward your vehicle from your current position which I could plot on the map.

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this is a dump I use to test the decoder, 3rd column is frame type, 4th column is encoded as a passthrough frame it’s a log of a simulated ardupilot mission (50.1 KB)

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Hi all,
I added support for 480x320 color lcd radios running EdgeTX 2.10.x such as FlySky PL18 and Jumper T15, code is on github as usual
On all radios I switched to the edgetx native clipping algo, should be a bit lighter on the CPU.




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Using frsky X18 for the script.
I get sats on INAV but having issue with GPS telemetry, would appreciate any help

Hi, not much to say :slight_smile: INAV is not supported, my widget requires Ardupilot.


Is version 1.3.0 the latest version? On an X18SE with Ethos 1.5.18 I get script errors at startup:


Hi, I tested the latest version on github on the 1.5.18 simulator and it runs all right, could it be that the model has some config left from a previous version?
Perhaps try to delete the widget which if I recall right clears the widget config and start over

I have already tried this, but the configuration of the widget is very short … i.e. most of it is missing:


I’ll download the latest version from the master right now.

The same result occurs with the current master … in other words, it does not run.

I can’t explain why it runs in the simulator (I haven’t tried it myself).

really seems some kind of model corruption,

it crashes while trying to parse the configuration info for the language

Did you try on a new model, just for a “blind” test?

So far I had only tried it with an existing model. I have now cloned it and your script runs with the clone …

I don’t understand it, but thanks for the tip!

Rejoiced too soon …

With the cloned model, the script runs without errors, but after restarting the transmitter, the above .lua errors appear again and the script no longer runs …

I am now trying a completely new model …