An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

Ok Dave, this explains it, it’s using OpenTX sensors just like ardupilot’s “repurposed frsky” telemetry.
Your TBS system is decoding mavlink messages on the ground extracting the info you see in order to inject them as fake OpenTX sensors in your radio sport pin on the back of the radio.
This way you’re missing some ardupilot specific info like flight modes and the like.
Unfortunately my script does not work with this kind of setup, it needs a “passthrough telemetry stream”.

If you have an ESP32 board around you might try the firmware I linked in my previous post.
With ans ESP32 board you could:

  • connect the esp32 via bluetooth to the TBS to receive mavlink
  • produce a passthrough telemetry stream to inject in your radio to support my script
  • connect to the esp32 via wifi to use mission planner

If you decide to try this road I strongly suggest you ask for support in the mavlinkToPassthrough thread