An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

Can you provide the button combo to get into yaapu config page for a radiomaster zorro? The only way I have found is to simulate it with another BW radio that has same screen size then copy the cfg file over and change the name to match the model I am trying to configure. I have found no other way to get into the config menu to set crsf as ON.

I can’t get LuaGCSGUI to work. Could you please take a look.

I have a RadioMaster Pocket…I have installed the BW 128x64…I have all my CRSF sensors discovered and can see the telem coming in…the script runs and displays on the TX display but shows nothing…the Models/yaapu directory does not have a config file nor is there a lua config script…how can I get this running???

@marblecreek may be experiencing similar. Tagging him here to follow along with your progress.

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Thx @Yuri_Rage - limping along. Re-reading all and making sure I didn’t skip/munge anything… This thread may help - appreciate the lift…

@hwurzburg @Yuri_Rage @marblecreek which OS on your radios, edgetx did change quite a few things

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just purchased,but apparently older Edge version…VERS: RM Factory 2023-07-27
upgraded to 2.10, no change

I filed an issue with the Ethos team about Yaapu hanging after the first 10 seconds and producing a sensor lost warning. They asked for me to pass it back to you due to 1.5.8 having several lua performance improvement changes. I recommended that they version their API changes so it does not break 3rd party scripts with every minor Ethos release. In the meantime, I will be rolling back to Ethos 1.4 until all this gets sorted out.


@yaapu , I’m using 2.9.4 Just noticed a newer release from 3 weeks ago. Will upgrade and report back. Will be mid June tho…
Just noticed you’ll need the hash too - after upgrade. . .

IMG_4397 Small
IMG_4399 Small
IMG_4400 Small

I’ll probably implode for “excess of radio OS releases” :slight_smile:


It looks like all of my telemetry hanging and message truncating issues may have been due to a convoluted upgrade path. I wiped and reset my radio and FC, and after clean installs of everything, both issues have resolved themselves. I now have a known working configuration with the following:

Radio - X20S, Ethos 1.5.9, RF 2.2.6, receivers on f.port
Arduplane - 4.5.3
Yaapu - 1.1.0 (b2f1c6f)


SOLVED - See that little switch in my pics called “Flight Mode”? Well, it wasn’t called out in the instructions anywhere (new stuff in EdgeTx all the time), so I didn’t turn it off - had this “full screen required” error that perplexed me for some time.

Well, turn it off too, and the Yaapu scripts load up fine…cd
Thanks @yaapu

Hello, on my old X10 with OpenTX, I created this screen by modifying the lua or luac file, I don’t remember exactly. Now I wanted to know if it’s possible to customize it in Ethos as well because I can’t find the file to modify and I can’t find any references on the web. Thank you.

Hi Antonio,
on Ethos there’s no “user defined sensors” support for integrating custom user sensors into the main view :frowning:

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This is bad news so I can’t use my new X20Pro :sob:

in the meantime you ca add them on a separate screen, is it soo bad?

Non è il top per la mia attività ma almeno posso usare la nuova radio, anche perchè come alternativa avevo solo quella di usare le 2 radio con una rx una dedicata solo al conteggio Caps o usare solo la X10. Ora devo capire come fare :grinning: Grazie gentilissimo come sempre.

It’s not the best for my work, but at least I can use the new radio, especially since my only alternatives were to use two radios with one dedicated solely to Caps counting or to use only the X10. Now I have to figure out how to proceed. Thank you, as always, for your kindness.

As a “long time user” of the user sensors feature you might actually be the one getting me to implement it. My time lately is very “limited”, so who knows :slight_smile:

I can make a donation as I have done in the past and express my gratitude. I don’t know how much my limited IT skills can help you, but to motivate you, I can tell you that I use it to help farmers pollute less, so it’s for a good cause. :sweat_smile:

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Antonio, reach me on discord so you can describe me your use case better

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