An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

Hi, google and qgis use the same gps reference system so I would assume no offsets.
In the guide @Hoehenarbeit kindly provided there’s a step to make sure QGIS is set to wgs84 which is the same used by MissionPlanner when downloading google maps tiles.

Hello! This may be a silly question: I run a FrSky Archer R8 Pro receiver (newest firmware) with an X10S TX with Yaapu. I do not receive telemetry data however. I do have controls, for example RC calibration in Mission Planner works. Serial protocol is 10 (FrSky SPort Passthrough OpenTX). Does anybody know a solution? Thanks in advance!

Hi, in order to help you we need more context, what’s your flight controller and which ardupilot version are you using?
How about the wiring?

Thanks for answer. I correctly set tiles to epsg :4326 (wgs84) as explained in the guide. I will check again in next days. Regards.

Hi, we use Cube orange, ArduCopter V4.3.3 and this cable

Works well with every other drone, the only thing that is different is the receiver, we normally use an FrSky X8R and not an Archer R8 Pro. Binding worked flawless btw.

EDIT: Just checked, everything (Cables, TX, Parameters) is working on another drone with the X8R. So the problem must be connected to the Archer R8 Pro.

did you check this out?

Hi all,
on github I released a dev version (please download zip from the master branch) which among other tweaks/fixes

  • supports FlySky NV14 and EL18 radios
  • supports QGIS as mapping provider
  • supports ArduPilot aerobatics trick audio call outs (trick # selected and aborted)



feedback is welcome


\WIDGETS\yaapu\lib\layoutlib.lua IS MISSING!!!

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auch…sorry, fix asap

fixed, sorry about that

There is nothing to regret. For my part, all my thanks and appreciation for the magnificent work you do for the benefit of us all.

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I think I found a bug in the HORUS version.

In the map zoom levels it only allows to increase the zoom level (regardless of the direction of rotation of the controller)… and once it reaches the maximum value it stays there. If you change to the map provider it goes back to the default values for that map provider and again you can increase it up to the maximum for that map provider.

Note. I am talking about the configurator

this is a regression bug caused by a git merge, thanks for pointing it out!

fixed, thanks
20 words limit bleah :frowning:

In the wiki it is mentioned to set the coordinate reference system (CRS) of the project to WGS84 [EPSG:4326], however in the supplied project (yaapu_telemetry_qgis.qgz) WGS84 [EPSG:3857] is selected.

Which is better to use?

good point, discard the sample project and follow the wiki, I’ll update the project to reflect wiki content asap…you sure deserve a prize :slight_smile:

fixed this one as well

Turns out this was a hardware problem. I had to replace the converter module twice, the third one was working like intended. Thanks for your tips anyway!!

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Alex, is it somewhere a description of bytes transmitted from air to ground for this protocol ?
I found this as attached


Frsky Passthrough Protocol - Sheet1.pdf (66.7 KB)

yes, thats the sheet I maintain on my drive.
Another excellemt source is the source code itself