An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

New guy here. Been reading much of the thread above. Very impressive scripts. Hope this is the right place to ask.

I recently got a Horus X10S Express that has ETHOS on it. I amusing the RFD900mod in the JR bay. I’ve upgraded it to the 1.4.4 (#6eadcca3) firmware. I downloaded the yappu scripts from github and have been trying to get them set up. I have control going thru and mission planner works fine thru the RFD900mod connecting to the wifi it creates.

However I do not get the telemetry on the X10S. The widget shows up and is version 1.0.0 dev (119fb15). I am not able to select RSSI as the Link Quality Source. I also dont see the option to select the telemetry source to set it to external as I have seen is some screen shots above. I have seen a lot of information on using openTx on the Horus X10s but was hoping to stick to ETHOS. I am guessing it is something simple I am missing in the setup, possibly in ETHOS?

Hi, I’ll let others reply regarding the TXMOD because I don’t own one and cannot replicate your setup.
Text on your screen is fixed size, you are probably missing some fonts on your sd card. Download and extract the from the ethos release page and copy it to the sd card.
To select the external sport source and the link quality source you need to enter the widget configuration page, my wiki explains the steps here Installation on Ethos · yaapu/FrskyTelemetryScript Wiki · GitHub.
You also need to discovr the RSSI sensor from the Ethos telemetry page before you can select it in the widget, same for GPS

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nop your not missing anything its ethos has an issue on X12 and X10s with module bay with lua scritps hopeful its been fixed in 1.4.5 so i have been told

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Thanks Colin. So I guess in the meantime if I want to use telemetry via the JR bay I need to use openTx or swap to my old Jumper T16 that has openTx. I really like the build quality/feel of the Horus over the T16. Is there an older firmware that would work or just wait for 1.4.5 to try that?

Thanks Alex. I had followed those instructions on the Wiki, thx for making them. I guess Colin’s response below explains why it didn’t work. With the Horus X10S I guess I need to wait on the 1.4.5 ETHOS or go to openTx if I want to use the external module.

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Hi Alex,

I have encountered an issue with your otherwise awesome widget. My X10S keeps reporting “motors armed” and “motors disarmed” in rapid succession in flight and if on the ground the current flight mode repeatedly.
I also think I know the cause, because it started doing this after I have connected a mavlink based parachute system to the UAV. This device has the same sysID as the FC and only a different compID. I suspect the following is happening: your widget processes both streams at the same time and my device reports 0 for the MAV_MODE_FLAG but the FC uses this flag properly. Your widget must use the last heartbeat message, regardless of sysID/compID to determine the armed state and thus the rapid armed-disarmed messages.

I am still running an older version (1.8.1), but haven´t seen anything related in the changelogs since. I don´t know how cour code handles different mavlink systems and components, but it would be nice if the widget would only process data from the actual autopilot.
You could achieve this by only processing data from a specific sysID and compID, that you determine from the heartbeat messages. You could check for a valid autopilot by looking at the MAV_AUTOPILOT value inside heartbeat packages for supported autopilots.

Is this something you could/would implement, or should I search for alternative solutions for my problem?

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mi widget does not process mavlink so no way the streams interfere unless you’re using a mavtopt solution, in that case a fix is needed on that side.
What is your setup and wiring?

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You are correct, I´m using mavtopt on a TXMOD. Thanks, I´ll ask Eric instead.

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having issues on ethos 1.4.5 with version 1.0.0e dev
the script works fine with the internal module on the isrm
but not on external module R9M the passthrough gps sensor is in the list

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Hi Colin, mhmm, so it appears to get “standard” sensors but seems to reject the custom ones…I guess I’ll have to flash my X10 with Ethos

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do you have debug script like open tx ?

Hi Colin and A;ex, I would like to wish both of you and your family’s a Very Happy Xmas and a Prosperous New Year.

Colin does this mean that S-port is finally working on Ethos.many thanks in advance ,will up date to 1.4.5shortly.

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no, but I can put one together pretty fast


its not working with the TXMOD as sport is not enabled in PPM mode in the module bay yet
we need to put in a ethos request to enable ppm with Sport and Sbus and Sport

Same to you Martin and your family’s a Very Happy Xmas

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go for it the night is young :grinning:

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I have put a request in Colin few weeks ago

there you go :slight_smile: (3.0 KB)

Note: you need to pause the telemetry widget from the widget settings

Press SYS

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Added support for X10/x12 and X18 (3.1 KB)


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looks like sport dead on 1.4.5 X12S external module day again for passthrough

even tried an Sport Access receiver into the bay with no joy





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damn, not fixed or not implemented yet

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